The performance report displays information on each asset and their performance metrics.
Performance metrics displayed are:
- Actual run rate (units/minute)
- Planned run rate (units/minute)
- Performance (%) - Actual speed vs expected speed
- Total downtime (minutes)
- Total operating time (minutes)
- Availability (%) - Percentage of total time that the asset was actually operating
- Unplanned downtime (%) - Percentage of total time that the asset was in unplanned downtime
Filtering Data
Data can be filtered by
- Assets
- Shift
To filter the date, select or deselect the information you want, adding or removing assets and shifts from the results. These filters will be applied to the resulting downloaded report.
Asset Performance Breakdown
By default, the performance report shows the overall metrics for the asset. We are able to expand this information and have these metrics split up by each product produced. To do this, click on any of the assets.
This can be further broken down into the three metrics that make up Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by applying the applicable filter.
OEE Metrics Calculations
Calculations are shown here
Exporting Data
- Select the "Report" download option.
- Choose between CSV and XLS format.
- Enable or disable the display of subtotals.
- Enable or disable breaking data down by shift.
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