Each Facility in ioTORQ Lean OEE can be uniquely configured in multiple ways. This is done with the Settings page for each facility.
To find the Settings page for a Facility:
- Click the Facilities button at the top of any page and select the Facility of interest
- A page showing all assets at the Facility will appear. Click the button on the top right of this page.
A list of options to select will appear:
Note that some of the above will be inaccessible for users with Operator level access.
For the given facility, there are some settings available to change.
Facility Detail - Gives basic information on the facility such as its name, description, and address
Causes - Lists the possible causes of downtime (planned and unplanned) applicable to the facility
Products - Lists all possible products applicable to the facility
Shift Management - Shows the different types of shifts available at the facility, which enables each shift to be tracked individually
Groups - Creates groups of assets for easier filtering and viewing on the main dashboard