Table Download for Overal KPI reports
We are pleased to introduce an alternative download option for the Overall KPI Report. This option provides a file that mirrors the report's structure and format as viewed within the LEAN App.
The Report button downloads a file with the same organization by asset and SKU, as presented in the App, providing consistency between the in-app view and the downloaded file. The report includes rows of subtotals for each asset and the total for the facility.
The Raw Data button generates a file organized by asset and SKUs that is broken down into shifts for additional filtering capabilities. This file does not contain subtotals, so getting OEE components for each Asset requires additional calculations.
To use this, generate an Overall KPI report and select between the "Report" & "Raw data" buttons.
This will provide a prefiltered and formatted report, like the table on the LEAN App.
Addressed additional bugs and small fixes.
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