Date: 2022-10-15
- Improved user experience during merging / splitting of phases
Date: 2022-09-16
- Added missing columns (quality and actual run rate) for performance report CSV/XLSX export
- Fixed cause name showing undefined in asset dashboard during manual downtime
- Fixed data entry report popup not opening on Android devices.
- Mobile UI enhancements
Date: 2022-08-05
Added ability to compare two periods for KPI Trends reports
View list of events by clicking chart cell in data entry reports
Added performance widgets for data entry report
- Fixed incorrect list of assets displayed in the report filters
- Improve KPI trends chart UI
Date: 2022-07-25
- Fixed timezone issues with report generation
Date: 2022-07-05
- Fixed issue where users are unable to see causes or categories for particular asset or product in loss report.
Date: 2022-06-30
- Added ability to compare two periods in the KPI, Loss and Data Entry reports
- Total switch time is now available in the KPI report
- Reports should load 25% faster than before
- Better error messages when a user tries to sign in with a disabled account
- Fixed multiple issues with performance chart in asset dashboards
Date: 2022-04-22
- New report filter Panel
- Added release version to navigation bar
- Added downtime cause information to asset Dashboard
- Allow the use of "+" in email addresses
- Missing french translations
- Fix performance graph gap and downtime events plot
- Remove textfield limitation of downtime justification and phases
Date: 2022-03-11
See performance graph for last 24 hours on asset dashboard:
You can now see performance graph for last 24 hours and as well as live downtime events for any asset on asset dashboard.
Improved event selection for bulk update:
- On IPad screen, you can now click on whole card for an event in the timeline while bulk updating the event details.
- Data entry performance report now displays all asset labels.
- Fixed incorrect product displayed when switching products.
- Widgets description on Asset dashboard page is updated.
- Facility is pre-selected while navigating to reports page from facility dashboard.
- Constant redirection to Facilities list page issue is fixed.
- Re-introduced type of loss filter on Losses report page.
- Fixed UI issues on KPI trends report page.
- Update cause list page in asset settings.
- KPI trends report page no longer show save to image button.
- Performance chart minor UI fixes.
- Losses report now differentiate major performance and major availability losses.
- Other minor bug fixes.
Date: 2022-02-23
- New hourly quantity widgets
- New Data entry performance heat-map report.
Changeover countdown timer changes its color to red if the remaining time is 25% less than the expected downtime.
- Report labels are now completely translated.
- Manual downtime trigger will now require cause when triggered.
- Losses Report can now be further sub-categorized by product.
- Improved report generation time for large datasets.
- Hourly Speed widgets are now colored accordingly.
- Improved app logout workflow.
- Improved analog time picker.
- Minor Bug fixes.
Date: 2021-06-12
Inline editing of phases in the Asset timeline
Inline editing of events in the list of downtimes
Option to control whether operators can dismiss downtime notifications has been added at the Asset Level
In dashboards, new widget to calculate the current phase duration has been added
In downtime notification, a new category filter improves the user experience to select the cause of downtime more easily
Allow user to edit the current cause for the current downtime event.
Loss and KPI reports can now be downloaded as XLSX files.
Added Start and End dates in the downloaded Loss report for each downtime.
Show current user timezone in the reports as part of date picker.
When editing phases, a cause is required only for a major downtime event, optional otherwise
If loading the list of sensors fail in the asset dashboard page, the loading message is hidden.
Date: 2021-05-12
New Asset Groups filter and Assets filter to sort assets on the facility dashboard
Users can now Create, Update and Delete Asset groups.
Asset status now includes status of Sensors. So if a sensor is not sending data the asset will have a "Disconnected" Status.
- Duplicated Phases in Asset Phase. This was a minor display issue causing the list to be duplicated after a user edited a phase.
Previous Release: V1.3.11
Date: 2021-04-01
Clickable cards when merging phases.
Prevent selection of current phase in phase timeline page.
- Prevent iPad keyboard from blocking asset settings form.
Date: 2021-03-19
Improve UI and validators for linking products to an asset.
Delayed loading animation at login.
Responsive button for selecting products to link to an asset
Permission to edit a product for a facility on small devices.
Previous Release: V1.3.9
Date: 2021-02-27
Users can check the status of the ioTORQ LEAN infrastructure from the "System Status" page in the Settings.
Viewer user role. Users with this role will have read-only access to resources in the application.
- Handling errors when loading facilities fail.
Previous Release: V1.3.8
Date: 2021-02-12
- Prevent data streaming from failing and hanging after the tablet goes to sleep
- Improved reconnection handling.
Date: 2021-02-03
- Improved error message for merging phases.
- Selecting cause/product in edit event page will only show cause/products for particular asset.
Date: 2021-01-29
- Improved handling of application initializations.
- Improved product selectors.
- Help desk in French.